Now everyone is getting surgery to look like Michelle Obama

OK, so we thought it was pretty crazy when some British women admitted to getting nose jobs to look like Kate Middleton.

Well, time to step it up a notch — or 4,378 notches.

According to data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the demand for brachioplasty — or arm lifts — has increased 4,378 percent since 2000.

With the procedure, fat and excess skin are cut off the back of the arms to eliminate the dreaded “bingo wing” look we all hate.

“Women are paying more attention to their arms in general and are becoming more aware of options to treat this area,” said ASPS president Gregory Evans, MD. “For some women, the arms have always been a troublesome area and, along with proper diet and exercise, liposuction can help refine them. Others may opt for a brachioplasty when there is a fair amount of loose skin present with minimal elasticity.”

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Why is it so popular now? Call it the Michelle Obama effect: Women want to emulate the looks of their favorite strong-armed celebs, like M.O., Jessica Biel, Kelly Ripa and Jennifer Aniston.

“I looked at Michelle Obama and said, ‘Oh my gosh, I want her arms.’ When I first started losing weight and started to tone up, I had her image in my head,” Natalie Robinson of Knoxville, Tennessee, told the ASPS.

“I had a lot of excessive skin around my upper arms,” Robinson continued, referring to her incredible 170-pound weight loss. “Every time I looked in the mirror there was a reminder of a heavier person and I just couldn’t get rid of it.”

The downside? The procedure can leave the patient with a long, unsightly scar across the underside of the arm.

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So, is it worth the money? We’re all for doing what makes you feel beautiful, but know that it doesn’t give every patient guns like Obama’s.

“We are genetically programmed to have different accumulations of fat in different areas, and for some women the arms can be a problem area,” said ASPS Public Education Committee chair David Reath, MD.

“The arms are a very noticeable area and if excessive fat and skin are an issue, they tend to look more out of proportion than the rest of the body,” Reath added.

Our advice: Save money and grab some heavy weights for a scalpel-free arm lift!

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Photo: Jlnphotography/

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